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Award Recipients of 2014
Sir Clive Gillinson.png
Bailin Zheng.png

Sir Clive Gillinson, Executive and Artistic Director of Carnegie Hall and Director of the 2015 China Tour of the National Youth Orchestra of the United States. The NYO-USA toured the USA in summer 2014, introducing America to its own youth orchestra, performed across China in summer 2015, and toured Europe in summer 2016.


The Chinese Cultural Foundation is proud to be a partner of Carnegie Hall in supporting its historic China tour which brought together 120 talented young musicians from both countries to share their common passion for classical music.

Bailin Zheng, President of the International Economic Club of China and former head of the Bank of China in North Americas.  The Bank of China has been a long-time supporter of the Chinese Cultural Foundation and a host of previous celebrations at their elegant Madison Avenue headquarters in New York City.

Live Performance and Promotion of the National Youth Orchestra NYO-USA

The Chinese Cultural Foundation hosted its Annual Holiday Reception and Award Celebration at the Harvard Club in New York City on December 17, 2014.

The highlight of the event was to promote the National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America (NYO-USA) for its most ambitious 2015 China tour led by Sir Clive Gillinson, Executive and Artistic Director of Carnegie Hall.  120 young musicans experiencing different culture of China, giving seven concerts in architecturally and acoustically spectacular concert halls, sharing their passion for classical music. The Chinese Cultural Foundation is proud to be a partner of this historic musical tour.


This year’s honorees were two important leaders in the world of culture and business: 


Sir Clive Gillinson, Executive and Artistic Director of Carnegie Hall and Director of the 2015 China Tour of the National Youth Orchestra of the United States. The Chinese Cultural Foundation is proud to be a partner of NYO-USA for their historic musical tour which will bring together 120 talented young musicians from both countries to share their common passion for classical music.


Bailin Zheng, President of the International Economic Club of China and former head of the Bank of China in North Americas.  The Bank of China has been a long-time supporter of the Chinese Cultural Foundation and a host of previous celebrations at their elegant Madison Avenue headquarters in New York City.


As so elegantly expressed by our Honorary Chairman, Maurice R. Greenberg and by former President of the World Bank Sir James D. Wolfensohn at the10th Anniversary Gala of the Chinese Cultural Foundation: "In our very small world, it is culture in all forms that unites us.  Art, music, dance, literature -- are the elements that transcend our daily lives and make us realize that we are all part of a single global community, and that beauty has no national boundaries.” 


John W. Allen, Trustee of the Chinese Cultural Foundation served as host for this event and introduced his fellow international banker Bailin Zheng. Elizabeth B. Wang, President of the Chinese Cultural Foundation and former China National Classical Dance Champion introduced Sir Clive Gillinson. 


New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and Chinese Ambassador Sun Guoxiang sent their congratulatory letters to the Chinese Cultural Foundation for its important role in helping make New York City the “Cultural Capital of the World". Lisa Robb, Executive Director of NYS Council on the Arts and Linda Sun, Director of NYS Governor Office delivered the message.


A live performance of ancient Chinese music "Kong Hou” by Lucina Yue (Moon), a highly acclaimed young musician and a display of the contemporary art of Zhiyuan Cong, whose dramatic works capture the dynamic interaction of eastern and western artistic expression. 


Tourneau LLC America’s largest luxury watch retailer provided everyone with a very special holiday gift, and many major Chinese medias were there to capture the spirit of the event.


Thank You For Your Support

This event was made possible through the generous support of UHY LLP, TOURNEAU, LLC, and CCF Members and friends like you.


Special thanks to Felix Yang, Gloria Starr Kins of the Society and Diplomatic Review, Zhang Wei of China Economic Daily, Xiaohong Li of People’s Daily, Liming Guan of China Press, Ken Lee of Ken Lee Studio and others for providing video, photo and press coverage of the event.

The Economic Daily

People's Daily

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