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The Enduring Value Of Chinese Culture - Lecture Series

As part of the Chinese Cultural Foundation's Cultural and Educational Programs, we provide special lectures to cultural and academic institutions, universities and international business forums and venues.

September 12, 2004  World Economic Forum, Beijing

"The New Chinese Aesthetic - Art, Values and Society". This event was chaired by Dr. Aldo Fozzati, Advisor of the Chinese Cultural Foundation, who was joined by Elizabeth B. Wang and some of China's best know cultural leaders and media entrepreneurs for a lively discussion of the importance of art and culture in China’s emergence as a world power.

September 13, 2004  World Economic Forum, Beijing

"Nightcap – A Conversation with Mu Xin", hosted by Elizabeth B. Wang, President of Chinese Cultural Foundation, with an exclusive NHK video interview . This presentation was followed by a discussion joined by Professor Chen Danqing of Qinghua University, a renowned artist and student of Mu Xin.

June 6, 2006 Metropolitan Club, New York City

Professor Michael Moses, Co-Creator of the Mei/Moses Fine Art Index speaking on "Art As An Investment" and presenting his latest studies.  The Mei/Moses Art Index serves much like a stock market index in measuring annual investment returns.

John W. Allen, sharing his vision on the true value of art as a collector and investment banker with his personal experiences on the appreciating value of art and the role of culture in bringing people the China Investment Forum. 


April 12, 2008  Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut

John W. Allen, Trustee of the Chinese Cultural Foundation and Chairman of AIESEC Yale as a key-note speaker and mentor to student leaders at AIESEC-Yale's 50th Anniversary.  

AIESEC is the largest student-run organization in the world.  It was started in Europe following WWII to prevent WWIII by enabling university and graduate students from one country to live and work in another country during their summers or immediately upon graduation.  It has evolved into a program involving approximately 100 countries, hundreds of universities and thousands of annual exchanges.  Every President of the United States has endorsed the program as have most world leaders.

November 15, 2008  New York City

John W. Allen, Trustee of the Chinese Cultural Foundation spoke at the inaugural L.I.V.E. WORLD SUMMIT 2008.  This forum  brought together leaders from all areas of our global society to come together to share their vision, leadership, innovation, resources and energy towards addressing the most pressing local and global challenges confronting humanity today.


October 28, 2008  Harvard Club, New York City

Elizabeth B. Wang, President of the Chinese Cultural Foundation sharing her views with members of the Harvard Club on "Business of Art in China" and leading a discussion on current trends and the insight on the contemporary Chinese art market.  



Summer 2009  Summer of Art Series


Professor Zhiyuan Cong, an accomplished Chinese artist and art professor lectured and demonstrated the technique of brush and ink in Chinese painting to the Citibank private clients and the MBA students of the Long Island University.

October 30, 2013  Columbia University

Xinle Ma,  Senior Advisor of the Chinese Cultural Foundation demonstrate at the Faculty House of Columbia University.

The Chinese Cultural Foundation in collaboration with the China Artists Association and the Beijing International Cultural and Creative Industry co-hosted a week-long art exhibition: “Ink - Chinese Dream” featuring 16 leading Chinese artists.  Art Salon were conducted at the National Arts Club and a series of cultural and educational programs were held at the Columbia University. 




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